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Thomas Coram Research Unit
UCL Institute of Education
27 -28 Woburn Square
London WC1H 0AA
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Past events in 2012

Narratives of class performativity: Iranian women doctors and the question of belonging
This seminar focused on how a group of Iranian women doctors in Britain perform different acts in order to construct a classed identity.

What is Narrative?
This was a special 2 hour panel discussion, chaired by Ann Phoenix, including contributions from Corinne Squire, Julia Brannen, Maria Tamboukou and Molly Andrews. The presentations and the discussion which followed, addressed the question: 'What is narrative?' drawing from a range of different projects and theoretical orientations.

Narrative Ethics
This half-day workshop, run by Corinne Squire, Molly Andrews, Jens Brockmeier and Maria Medved engaged participants with an overview of ethical issues in narrative research, a consideration of how narrative research presents specific, unavoidable, and productive problems in the ethical arena, and some specific examples of ethically challenging research.

Visual Narratives (Workshop)
This workshop invited participants to explore and experiment with a multimodal digital narrative approach developed by Professor Wendy Luttrell, called collaborative seeing for use in her longitudinal visual ethnography Children Framing Childhoods and its follow-up study, Looking Back.

Collaborative Seeing (Lecture)
The project is meant to examine the shaping role of gender, race and immigrant status in how thirty-four children represent themselves and their perspectives on immigration, social and cultural differences, and family-school relationships through photography and video.

'You've been framed?' - visualising and viewing qualitative longitudinal research
The Inventing Adulthood study is a qualitative longitudinal project that followed a group of 100 young people growing up in 5 locations in the UK over a period of 10 years through the transition to adulthood. In 2005-2006 some of the young people involved in a film project which was a collaboration between researchers, film-makers and educators and faced the challenge of 'animating' a qualitative longitudinal study - included asking young people to listen to and respond to extracts of interview data collected with them over a period of years. In this presentation Rachel Thomson shared the film, explored the slippery boundaries between primary and secondary data.

The Deep and Wide World of Autobiographical Memory: Hindsight and Beyond (Lecture)
Much of the available literature on autobiographical memory focuses on bias and distortion. In this presentation, however, Mark Freeman focused instead on the extraordinary 'depth' and 'width' of autobiographical memory, focusing especially on the phenomenon of hindsight.

Working with Issues of Memory and Identity (Workshop)
This workshop with Mark Freeman focused on what might be termed the "space" of selfhood, focusing especially on the idea of narrative identity.

Archiving your data: planning and managing the process
In this seminar, Libby Bishop talked about benefits of good data management and its challenges, key data management intervention points, ethics and data sharing and their principles and so on.

Disclosing subjects: bodies, selves, intimacies, politics
Professor Mark Davis presented 'Disclosing subjects: bodies, selves, intimacies, politics'. This event was organised by the Monash University and the Institute of Education.

Women's narratives of love
Elis Chasan presented this seminar and formed discussions with graduate students working with narrative and related methods, on narratives in everyday lives.

Deleuzian Narrative Analysis
Presenter: Gerrit Loots and Jasmina Sermijn. This workshop centred around Deleuzian narrative analysis and involved the research group Interpersonal, Discursive and Narrative Studies (IDNS) from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

The Dynamics of Social Practice (TCRU/NOVELLA Seminar)
Professor Elizabeth Shove from Lancaster University gave this seminar 'The Dynamics of Social Practice'.

People can talk about their practices (TCRU/NOVELLA Seminar)
Dr. Russell Hitchings from the Department of Geography, University College London, presented this seminar. Following on from Elizabeth Shove's seminar on 16 October 2012, this talk considered the value of using interviews to research routine practices.

Exploring narratives of youth violence and antisocial behaviour
This paper presented the process and findings of a piece of doctoral research that explored how young people who have engaged in violent and antisocial acts understand and make sense of this behaviour, and how these understandings relate to their views of self and the worlds they live in.

Tales from the Archive
Through a series of presentations and audience-led discussion, this day-long workshop examined the issues raised by the use of archives in social science food research.

Revisiting Young Lives interview data with a narrative lens
This presentation aimed to present some insights from secondary narrative analysis carried out by Catherine on qualitative data collected in Andhra Pradesh, India, as part of Young Lives, an international study of childhood poverty in four countries based at the Department of International Development, Oxford University.