Revisiting Young Lives interview data

This presentation aimed to present some insights from secondary narrative analysis that Catherine carryed out on qualitative data collected in Andhra Pradesh, India, as part of Young Lives, an international study of childhood poverty in four countries based at the Department of International Development, Oxford University. Through applying a narrative lens to the data by looking at the stories told by children in co-construction with other family members, peers and research investigators, she aimed to explore connections between personal narratives and cultural narratives associated with boys' and girls' changing responsibilities over time in family life in rural and urban Andhra Pradesh. Catherine alsoed look at how the personal narratives identified may illuminate, trouble or extend themes identified in her initial readings of the data and in doing so consider what a narrative lens offers to the analytic process and to the interpretations reached.

Revisiting Young Lives interview data (ppt)

Revisiting Young Lives interview data (video)